to Mar 3




Apply for the training

Apply for a Scholarship


January 12th to March 3rd

Fridays: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Saturdays and Sundays: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

If you are considering yoga teacher training, you likely have already experienced the profound physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of practicing yoga. Perhaps you’ve been taking classes for a year – or even 10 years! – and you’ve found that you’re craving something more than the 60-minute studio class experience. You want to surpass your limitations, increase your connection with your body, and gain a better understanding of yourself. You feel passionate about yoga and want to expand your knowledge of the practice to safely and effectively share it with others, to uplift your community.

Enrolling in a yoga teacher training can be one of the biggest and best decisions of your life! Through consistent practice with a community of your peers, you’ll evolve as a person, practitioner, and teacher. During the immersion you’ll grow physically, mentally, and spiritually as you experience the benefits of a consistent asana and meditation practice; becoming more flexible in your body and mind. You’ll also gain a deeper connection to yourself and others, making lifelong friends as you reflect upon yoga’s philosophical wisdom with your group, exploring what it means to be human, and gradually stepping into the role of a yoga teacher. It will be tough at times, but you’ll have plenty of new friends to help you get through. This experience can even change how you relate to challenges – expanding your perspective into one of growth-mindedness, trust in divine timing, and a greater sense of purpose. When you cross the finish line, you’ll have a better understanding of who you are. You’ll walk away from this training with real skills that you can share with others for the rest of your life!

“While we teach, we learn” – Seneca, Roman Philosopher.

In our training, you’ll get lots of teaching experience. In fact, we start peer teaching on day one. Our training provides an in-depth exploration of yoga’s key poses, so that you can effectively cue your students, provide skilled verbal and physical adjustments, and share your very own classes with intelligence and ease by understanding how sequencing works. At the end of your training, you’ll put these skills into practice and teach a 60 minute class of your own design at Baby Cobra. Throughout this learning- teaching journey, you’ll gain valuable insights that only come with experience, allowing you to hit the ground running upon graduation.

A typical day will start with breathing and meditation, followed by an intensive physical practice session. From there, we’ll explore yoga through its philosophical, physical, and psychic lenses through workshops, lectures, guided discussion, and asana labs. A lunch break and smaller breaks will be provided throughout the day.

Topics include:

Yoga History & Philosophy

Cueing & Adjustments





The Energy Body: Chakras & Nadis

Yoga Nidra

Restorative Yoga


Business of Yoga

And more


Michelle Martin is a world- traveling yogi, scientist and mystic. Her passion for learning inspired her to successfully complete more than 2,900 hours of certified yoga training, and a Master of the Arts in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University. Michelle has been a facilitator for yoga teacher-trainings since 2016 and is the visionary and founder of Frequency Movement Alchemy Academy. Her specialties in the field of yoga include Yoga Nidra and Rocket Yoga.

Chauncie Parchment is a 1100-hr certified hot and vinyasa yoga teacher who has studied under Jared McCann, Rose Erin Vaughan and Yoshio Hama. He seeks to spark inspiration within people to create internal change and self mastery. Chauncie is a professional dancer, life coach, nutritionist and world traveler.

Nikki Ortiz is a vinyasa certified teacher with 600 hours of training and twelve years of teaching experience who has studied extensively with Jared McCann. Nikki’s teaching emphasizes backbending and flexibility training, helping students use proper technique to access their body’s natural range of motion while developing a healthy approach towards flexibility. Fun fact, Nikki won the 2015 USA National Yoga Asana Championship!

Spencer Brisson is the founder of Baby Cobra Yoga as well as a vinyasa yoga instructor with five years experience. Aside from teaching yoga, Spencer likes hanging with his dog Teemo, traveling, surfing and making music. Spencer will teach the Business of Yoga.

Logan Crusan – At age 15 Logan was introduced to yoga through Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga and began incorporating an asana practice into his daily life. Logan has integrated his unique set of teachers and lineages to create powerful and dynamic yoga experiences.


The price of the training will be $2700, or $2500 for those who sign up before November 1st. We also have a very limited amount of financial aid available for those with low incomes.

We know choosing your program can be a big decision. We are proud to honor your investment by offering in-depth training with ample classroom hours, personalized mentorship with experts in their field, real life in-studio teaching experience with feedback from your teachers, and an exploration of yoga and modern science through conducting a group research project.

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to secure your spot in the training. The deposit is not refundable but can be used towards future trainings if your plans change. The full cost will be due January 11th.

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FM’s 200- hour Yoga Teacher Training distills the yogic system into clear and digestible key ideas, creating a solid foundation of knowledge, techniques, and practices. This pedagogy enables our students to excel as they embark on their teaching journeys.

We understand that building anything great requires a strong foundation. For this reason, our course designers have sensibly and intuitively highlighted the key ideas of yoga to optimize learner comprehension, retention, and integration. FM’s approach helps our graduates to pragmatically understand the information in a way that makes it easy to teach others.

By the end of the course, our students will be able to:

  • Cue in a strategic way that is clear, concise, and easy to understand

  • Teach a 60-minute group yoga class

  • Teach a 60-minute private yoga class

  • Explain the basics of yoga philosophy and key psychological benefits of implementing these principles

  • Guide a  15-minute meditation

  • Guide a 20-minute Yoga Nidra session

  • Explain the foundations of alignment and anatomy


Some unique topics you will find in our  200-hr YTT include:

  • Social Awareness + Equity

  • Psychology of the Sutras

  • Hacking the Nervous System

  • Foundations of Alignment and Cueing

  • Yoga Nidra & Hypnosis

Created by industry innovators in Instructional Design + Yoga Education, our  ONLINE+ IMMERSIVE RETREAT format assures the most dynamic and complete learning experiences for our students. We honor the different types of minds that gather to attend our trainings and have structured our courses to support the educational + spiritual journey that your very first teacher- training is guaranteed to be.

Our format isn’t the only thing that sets us apart. Each training comprehensively offers wisdom from ancient texts alongside leading scientific research. Rest assured our material is offered by expert teachers who know their sh*t.